Blogging from Uganda…a Grampy Perspective or Jaja as these
kids call me!
I know this is the blog that you all have been waiting for
so here goes…What a privilege it has been this week to get to be involved in
the work of the DueUnto Team! So proud
of Jay, Jill, Jake, Jared and Jayne and amazed by their work and
dedication. We have seen several of the “starfish miracles” and some in
progress, and each one is truly touching when you think of the
massive difference made in these young lives.
If you are one of the ones “involved” in these miracles from home,
please know that you have had a part in something very special. While all the other “bloggers” have done a
great job of keeping you abreast of the clinics, the “starfish”, etc., as a former minister of music, I wanted to
give you a little info on something I
know a little bit more about……the worship service we attended on Sunday
We attended the 8am “English” service at Gaba Church (there
are 3 or 4 worship services following this one) which was set in a large block
building with open air windows, but with very modern sound/media equipment and the most
amazing 20’ ceiling fan I have ever seen!....made me wonder where these
babies were when I was sweltering through tabernacle worship services at Falls Creek!
The room was comfortably full with what I
would estimate to be 400-500 people (or 1000 if you are Southern Baptist!). The
music service was well planned and led by a worship leader, praise team
and band (guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard), praise choruses familiar to us
were used and all this would fit right into one of our services at
home. Now the good part….these people sing!!! I would use the word gusto but I think
reckless abandon might be a better description, and these folks cannot sing in one
The music was well planned, and as the congregation really got going the
director was literally bouncing up and down in circles as he led! After
thinking about it, if the congregation sang like that, I might have bounced up and
down too….wouldn’t that have caused a
stir! The music lasted about 45 minutes
only broken once by the “announcements” (lol, still one of my pet peeves!), and definitely the
people were worshipping and were “prepped” to hear whatever message Pastor
Peter had to throw on them! A side note for those of you musically inclined, the choruses were all set in keys
at least one full step higher than we are used to singing them, and the
harmonies were mostly of the high persuasion also.
I don’t know if this
was due to the voices available in the praise team and/or the fact that Ugandans
have higher voices, but the only people I saw straining for high notes were the
mzungus present!
Pastor Peter was impeccably dressed in a suit and tie
(obviously did not buy into the western thought that you have to “dress down”
to the same as the congregation to put them at ease….another one of my pet peeves!!).
He is very charismatic (in the good sense!)
and earned your attention as soon as he opened his mouth. I know you are
wondering……there was no “preach on brother” going on like in the black churches
of the southern US, but Peter would have them repeat words by saying “say: this
or that” and the congregation would
respond. The message was a point by point expository message
on stewardship based on the parable of the talents. “The first servant doubled
his talents! Say: doubled it! Say: well done!” “The last
servant buried his talent. Say: buried it! Say: lazy!” He took us scripture by scripture and point by
point through the message all leading to his focal point.
“Say: it’s not mine it’s his!!!”
The week has gone by
incredibly fast, and we are so glad that we got the opportunity to experience
this first hand. We are looking forward to hearing what God is doing in Uganda!
headed home! Say: God bless! Say: Sing for Joy!” Jerry/Dad/Grampy/Jaja
You know, I heard Jayne singing one day & thought she sure could carry a tune:)......I jokingly said something to Dr.Gregston about her being on American Idol one day. Guess she gets it from het Grampy,huh? Have safe travel's