Sunday, June 9, 2013

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle:


I was not sure what to expect this time during our six weeks in Uganda.  Unlike, when we were here last year for a longer time, this time I had some frame of reference of what to potentially expect.  As we prepared to come in 2012, we prepared in several ways.  We read books that had been recommended, went to a global medical mission conference, and I had a sweet dear friend share with me her experience on the mission field.  The Lord has used all of these tools as He prepared us.  I can’t believe our time here this time is over half way over.  It does make my heart sad.  I have tried to live my life without regrets.  However, this isn’t always the case.  So my goal is to live in each moment.  I am thankful for His mercies, which are new every morning.  When Jay arrived, and we were in the Due Unto Other’s van and going to see Teddy and Shakib, I asked him what it felt like to him?  He agreed, with me, that it was as if we had not been away for eleven months.  It was as if we were here yesterday.  I was asked during this trip, what is my dream for Due Unto Others.  I had to stop and think because I do not want to limit my God.  He is able to do more than I can think or imagine.  Yet, I can sense the Holy Spirit is moving to show us more of what His purpose is for this, His Ministry.  I am excited to see the glimpses He is revealing.   I know there is so much devastation in Oklahoma from the recent tornadoes as well as great need.   I found myself wondering about the someones in great need here that the Lord brings across our path.   God’s provisions last year amazed me.  Despite this, I am still tempted to question this time.  I was blessed beyond what words can express as yesterday we had a response for someone to help with a significant portion of the expenses for Kevin. 
He will be brought to Wentz Medical Center, here in Gaba, on Monday as we begin to navigate his medical care.  We have seen the potential need for a second vehicle.  Last night, someone offered to give us their SUV, from the US.  We just have to figure out the logistics to get it here. 


We have been blessed to spend time with Jerome and Trish Loughridge, while they were here. 
 Jerome was who first brought Jay to Uganda.  It was while skyping with Jay during his trip here that I knew that part of Jay’s heart would remain in Uganda.  I am so thankful, yet not surprised, that He did the same in Jake, Jared, Jayne’s and mine, as well, as we came the following summer with Watoto.  Jake, Jared and Kyle went out yesterday to work on the Watoto farm before Steve Swigert headed back to Oklahoma. 
Madison and Savannah Donica, who came to work with us last summer, are here with Watoto until tomorrow. 
Having Jim, Joline, and Jessica Gash back working with us is so great. 
 God is so sweet to weave our paths together again as well as introduce us to new friends, who have a heart for missions, like Dorrie Garner.  
We will continue to abide in Christ as He show’s us His call on our lives.   There is a new song, we have begun singing at Gaba Community Church last Sunday and we sang again today:  JESUS IS THE CENTER.  As we keep Him in His rightful place He continues to teach me He doesn’t call the equipped but He equips the called.  The best thing about coming full circle is getting to go around it again! You are such a part of His work here in Uganda!  Thanks you for your prayers and support as we each keep Jesus in the center so we each may be His hand and feet to His Glory!




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